Martha Graham, who was perhaps the most influential dance choreographer of the 20th century, once said: 

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium, and it will be lost.
The world will not have it.”

Hi, I am Mariann!

I founded Wellbeing Training to help guard, preserve and renew this precious life force energy Martha Graham so eloquently talks about above. Through Wellbeing Training, I would like to assist in strengthening employees’ vitality and elevate their professional and personal wellbeing.

I love my work, and if I had all the money in the world to do whatever I wanted and never had to work a minute again, I would do exactly what I am doing today.

My wellbeing sessions are available online worldwide and in person in Europe. 

How Wellbeing Training Came to Be

I went through several corporate finance internships during and after earning my first degree in business economics.

I quickly realised that having mental intelligence and working for prestigious organisations do not necessarily lead to a sense of aliveness and wellbeing.

After just a few short months, I was high on stress and low on energy, and my passion and vitality were fading rapidly. (This was somewhat alarming, considering I had another 40+ years until retirement.) My senior colleagues were in much worse shape. Still, many brushed off their poor mental, emotional or physical health as if these were “part of the package”, a natural part of life.

There is nothing natural about not feeling well for months, years and sometimes even decades.

I thought then and I still believe this today.

Almost twenty years have passed since these experiences happened. During this time, I have lived and worked in six different countries and had my fair share of struggles in an impressive range of domains. While I am confident that challenges are fertile ground for our exponential growth, I do not believe in unnecessary (and avoidable!) suffering, especially for extended periods. So often, we shoot ourselves in the foot, too.

I used these past twenty years to explore wellbeing and the different branches of psychology to understand and practice what makes us thrive.

I studied these formally at different universities and through accredited courses, and informally through books, retreats, conversations with health specialists, a myriad of body and mind therapies, and listening to the experiences of others. I also worked with various health and wellbeing-related topics and initiatives in different organisational settings.

My wellbeing and that of others are tightly woven into the fabric of my life.

The webinars and workshops on this website are the culmination of my experience and knowledge in various wellbeing domains. I designed these sessions with love, consideration and care so people can gain knowledge and skills to meet the inevitable challenges of corporate and everyday life and still feel balanced, healthy and content.

My Wellbeing Beliefs


While unpleasant, struggle is a natural and often necessary part of human evolution. It should be neither hidden nor rejected; we can find deep joy, meaning, and purpose in overcoming obstacles. At the same time, conscious renewal and regeneration are essential after challenging periods.


We have to find the delicate balance between self-care and caring for others. We should not take incorrect responsibility for other people’s needs or sacrifice ourselves to prove that we are worthy of praise, belonging, support and love. We must understand and honour our needs first, so we can care for others from our abundant energy flow.


Active withdrawal is sometimes necessary to regain perspective and clarity. After an experience finishes and before the next one starts, a period of silence is helpful to contemplate and process our experiences. This pause allows us to reflect on what to take forward while we renew our strength. It is in this quiet contemplation that the most valuable lessons are understood.


We have a fundamental need to connect with others. Tribes, harmonious communities, and supportive environments are integral to our wellbeing. We have to be willing to understand and accommodate different perspectives and ways of being, support each other, and make our unique contribution to the whole. At the same time, we have to learn to graciously leave relationships, situations, and environments that are a mismatch or we had outgrown.

My Qualifications Include

• MSc in Health & Medical Psychology (Univesity of Leiden, NL) 
• BSc in Psychology (University of Groningen, NL) 
• BA (Hons) in Business Economics (Durham University, UK)

• HeartMath® Certified Coach (HeartMath Institute, USA)
• HeartMath® Certified Corporate Trainer (HeartMath Benelux, DE)
• Certified Embodiment Coach (Embodiment Unlimited, UK)   

To learn more about me professionally, please look at my LinkedIn profile. To know more about me personally, please message me through the contact form. I am always happy to chat.

With warm regards,


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