Wellbeing Webinars for Businesses

All Wellbeing Training sessions focus on holistic wellbeing, incorporate elements of positive psychology, emphasise micro-resilience skills, and take a stress-as-edge approach to boost your employees' vitality.

There is a great call for employee wellbeing initiatives in today’s dynamic corporate landscape. Recognising the profound impact of employee wellbeing on productivity, engagement and overall company success is reshaping how businesses approach their workforce’s welfare. 

As we stand at the intersection of innovation and organisational evolution, investing in the health and happiness of employees is not just a trend but a strategic imperative for creating thriving, resilient, and future-ready workplaces. 

Some businesses have only recently embarked on their wellbeing journeys. Others are more established in integrating holistic health into the fabric of their corporate culture. 

Wellbeing Training offers webinars and workshops on introductory, intermediate and more advanced levels to suit the unique requirements and readiness of each business. 

The webinars and workshops give practical solutions to the most common and pressing corporate wellbeing issues your employees may encounter.

Below is a menu of over 50 unique wellbeing sessions addressing a range of topics.

There is a great call for employee wellbeing initiatives in today’s dynamic corporate landscape. Recognising the profound impact of employee wellbeing on productivity, engagement and overall company success is reshaping how businesses approach their workforce’s welfare. 

As we stand at the intersection of innovation and organisational evolution, investing in the health and happiness of employees is not just a trend but a strategic imperative for creating thriving, resilient, and future-ready workplaces. 

Some businesses have only recently embarked on their wellbeing journeys. Others are more established in integrating holistic health into the fabric of their corporate culture. 

Wellbeing Training offers webinars and workshops on introductory, intermediate and more advanced levels to suit the unique requirements and readiness of each business. 

The webinars and workshops give practical solutions to the most common and pressing corporate wellbeing issues your employees may encounter.

Below is a menu of over 50 unique wellbeing sessions addressing a range of topics.

Current Topics Include:

Accountability  •  Active rest  •  Acute & chronic stress Anxiety  •  Authentic relating  •  Boundaries Brain health  •  Breathing protocols Burnout  •  Caring leadership  •  Change readniness Collaboration  •  Compassionate comm.  •  Conscious parenting  •  Curiosity Digital overload  •  Emotional flexibility  •  Emotional IQ Exercise habits  •  Fatigue  •  Flow states  •  Focus Growth mindset  •  Listening skills  •  Loneliness Mental health  •  Mindfulness  •  Mind management Multigenerational teams  •  Nature connection  •  Nutrition Personality patterns  •  Psychological safety (Re)building trust  •  Resilience  •  Rest Self-care  •  Self-sabotage Sleep hygenie  •  Social networks  •  Time management Work-life balance

Current Topics Include:

Current Wellbeing Webinars
For Businesses

The list of sessions is regularly updated

Mental & Emotional

Overcome outdated and negative thinking and feeling habits. Recognise early signs of burnout. Deal with stress and anxiety in the moment.


Stop avoidable energy leeks. Infuse more, high quality energy into the body. Optimise physical health on a daily basis.


Show up authentically in collaborations. Nourish relationships that matter. Handle conflict gracefully.


Build mental, emotional, and physical energy reserves. Roll with change and difficulties. Create coherence between the heart and the brain.


Work smarter, not harder. Form powerful daily habits that support personal and business goals. Adapt a mindset of curiosity.

Current Topics Include

Are you looking for something different ?

Bring your employees an experiential wellbeing session offered by the Wellbeing Collective.

The Wellbeing Collective

The Wellbeing Collective is an international group of wellbeing experts and enthusiasts with solid knowledge, diverse experience and an extra dash of flair and wisdom. They not only talk the talk but also walk the walk of empowerment, creativity and wellbeing.
The Collective brings immersive wellbeing experiences to employees, managers, teams and leaders.

Are you looking for something different?

Bring your employees an experiential wellbeing session offered by the Wellbeing Collective.

The Wellbeing Collective

The Wellbeing Collective is an international group of wellbeing experts and enthusiasts with solid knowledge, diverse experience and an extra dash of flair and wisdom. They not only talk the talk but also walk the walk of empowerment, creativity and wellbeing.
The Collective brings immersive wellbeing experiences to employees, managers, teams and leaders.

Wellbeing sessions proudly delivered
to over 15,000 employees across 4 continents

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