Efficiency Series

The Efficiency Series Wellbeing sessions teach skills to...

...work smarter, not harder.
...form powerful daily habits that support personal and business goals.
...adapt a mindset of curiosity.

...work smarter, not harder. ...form powerful daily habits that support personal and business goals. ...adapt a mindset of curiosity.

Brain Smart Time Management

Micro & Macro Techniques

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

Paul J. Meyer

Brain Smart Time Management

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1,5-hour, 3-hour (half-day) sessions

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


While many employees spend their days in a frenetic pace of activity, they often feel they haven’t progressed enough or accomplished those tasks that would have truly made a difference by the end of the day.

Time management is a game of choices, and its success lies in employees’ self-management. Employees have to know how to manage themselves consciously and efficiently during their limited time and in ways that support their brains rather than drain them. Since they cannot store, borrow, save or increase time, they must find ways to simplify their work, get things done faster, and do things better.

This webinar supports employees in time management through (1) micro techniques that are brain-friendly tips and tricks to keep their brains interested, engaged and on task throughout the day and macro techniques (2) that are tried and tested time-management methods.

During the Brain Smart Time Management session, participants learn a practical, 6-step framework to accomplish their tasks in both a more enjoyable and productive manner.

  • Preparing and Planning: an easy Monday starts on a diligent Friday afternoon, the master list & key deliverables, creating sub-tasks  

  • Prioritising: the Pareto Principle, the 4Ds of time management, Eisenhower Matrix, the most impactful tasks

  • Partnering: time matching with colleagues, booking time and resources  

  • Performing: time boxing, task batching, turning tasks into habits, swallowing the frog, the Pomodoro Technique, the 90-minute focus session, quality breaks, the 3-minute rule, unitasking and following through 

  • Tracking: sticking it on the Kanban Board 

  • Rewarding: rewarding self, rewarding others

  • Use their weekend for rest instead of worrying about their to-do list for the next week

  • Proficiently capture every task, goal, or required action as they come up

  • Break overwhelming tasks into small, more manageable actions 

  • Understand which type of tasks they should allocate the most time for

  • Use several time allocation hacks to get things done in a shorter amount of time 

  • Focus better

  • Better recharge their energy between demanding tasks 

  • Better visualise and improve their workflows 

  • Use a reward system to boost their productivity and creativity and prevent stress and fatigue 

  • Say “no” assertively to other people’s priorities where appropriate

Brain Smart Time Management

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Connection, Communication, Collaboration

Better Together

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.

 H.E. Luccock

Connection, Communication, Collaboration

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1,5-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour (half-day), 1-day sessions 

Place of delivery:

online, on-site 

Interaction level: 


In Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect, renowned neuroscientist Matthew Lieberman states that our need to connect with others is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter. We are adapted to be highly social, but the organisations through which we live our lives are not adapted to us. We are square (social) pegs being forced into round (non-social) holes. Institutions often focus on IQ, experience, skills and generating income and miss out on the social factors that drive us.

In today’s business environment, efficiency and success heavily rely on the seamless interplay between connection, communication and collaboration. However, employees are rarely trained to better connect and resonate with their colleagues, better exchange information and understand each other, or unlock the collective brilliance of their teams and broader working environments to spark innovation and propel projects forward.

Employees can have all the knowledge, skills, values and experience they need to make an exceptional impact at their companies. Still, they will never quite realise their full potential unless they reach out and consciously, actively and kindly interact with other people within their teams and their company at large.

The Connection, Communication, Collaboration session will introduce several levels and layers of human interaction, and it will help employees to align their energies and knowledge to get where they want to get together.

  • The neuroscience of connection, communication and collaboration

  • The two brains, possible connection threats and the SCARF model

  • Communication and collaboration essentials: common bottlenecks, re-integrated teams, team productivity, accountability, dealing with conflict 

  • Fostering trust (extended version)

  • Virtual meeting hygiene

  • Building cross organisational alliances: essential collaboration (within teams), spontaneous collaboration (within the wider company), collaboration killers, the eight steps of collaboration, working out loud

  • Refrain from challenging other people’s sense of status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness so they can increase connection 

  • Reflect on their connected and safety brain mode behaviours    

  • Pinpoint the factors that stop efficient communication flow within their teams

  • Start re-integrating their remote teams in four different ways

  • Practice accountability to supercharge connection, communication and collaboration

  • Deal with task and personal conflict

  • (Re)build trust based on the four elements of the trust equation (extended version)

  • Set up, start and evaluate meetings more efficiently and use collaborative tools 

  • Evaluate their cross-organisational collaboration channels 

  • Understand the (dis)advantages of only collaborating with their team members

  • Practice the three + five steps of collaboration to build cross organisational alliances

  • Start working out loud so more people become aware of their experience, skills and expertise

Connection, Communication, Collaboration

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Creating Flow States at Work

Elevating Employee Engagement

Flow drives individuals to creativity and outstanding achievement.

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

Creating Flow States at Work

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1,5-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour (half-day), 1-day, 2-day sessions 

Place of delivery:

online, on-site 

Interaction level: 


Positive and sustainable business outcomes are strongly related to employee engagement. Every company wants its people to be enthusiastic, involved and committed to their work, and for good reason.

The flow state is the most engaged state employees can access. In this state, employees are their most productive and deliver the best mental and physical performance. Flow benefits their brains and bodies, allowing more access to their intuition and inbuilt creativity. The more time employees spend in flow, the more inherent satisfaction they find in their work tasks and engage in ongoing learning.

Identifying and then cultivating the specific conditions that enable flow at work rests as much with individual efforts as with the leadership and the organisational culture. In this introductory-level Creating Flow States at Work session, however, we focus on the science and practice of creating optimal and enjoyable performance as employees.

  • What is flow and why it matters 

  • The four conditions for getting into flow 

  • The most formidable enemies of flow 

  • The stages of the flow cycle and why employees fail at stage one 

  • Triggering flow: environmental and social aspects

  • Protocols and exercises to boost flow and heightened performance

  • Appreciate how flow states actively contribute to their mental and emotional wellbeing

  • Switch from being busy to being productive   

  • Understand how overcommitment, lack of clarity, stress, perfectionism and distractions impede flow 

  • Design their days and tasks in specific ways to generate flow more often

  • Pass the “struggle” stage of flow with more ease, and benefit from feeling challenged by tasks, people and circumstances 

  • Create a working environment that is more conducive to experiencing flow  

  • Join forces through micro-practices to experience flow as a team

  • Reset their nervous systems for better access to creativity, flow and overall wellbeing

Creating Flow States at Work

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Curiosity in Action

Empowering Workplace Excellence

In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

Eric Hoffer

Curiosity in Action

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions 

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


Children seem to have an insatiable desire to take in and understand the world around them; they naturally demonstrate curiosity. As cognitive scientist Elizabeth Bonawitz states, curiosity is inherent in all humans, akin to hunger or thirst. However, many adults lose this innate desire to ask questions, explore, and embrace novelty and learning.

Curiosity wields remarkable power, hence its prominent position among the top 10 most in-demand job skills identified by the World Economic Forum (2023). Curiosity drives creativity and innovation and prompts individuals to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom. Unfortunately, many workplaces prioritise certainty and expertise over exploration, and focus on outcomes, goals, and efficiency. A lack of encouragement and incentives for curiosity-driven behaviours often dampens employees’ natural inquisitiveness too.

Naturally curious employees are an asset. They are more adaptable to change, their inquisitive nature fosters critical thinking as they explore diverse perspectives, and their curiosity drives them to gather information and insights, leading to more informed and efficient decision-making.

Curiosity is a skill that can be rekindled. The Curiosity in Action session explores how to awaken and embrace curiosity to empower personal and professional growth.

  • Getting curious about curiosity: definition and components  

  • Self-check: traits of (un)curious managers and employees 

  • The many dimensions of curiosity: how are you curious?

  • Personal and corporate barriers to curiosity 

  • A guide to developing personal curiosity

  • Tips to enhance team curiosity

  • Strengthen their self-awareness and gauge their level of curiosity

  • Understand that curiosity is a choice 

  • Differentiate between extrinsic, intrinsic, narrow, broad, productive and unproductive curiosity and change how they express their curiosity  

  • Use techniques to expand their intellectual, empathetic and intrapersonal curiosity 

  • Approach curiosity as a project

  • Build small curiosity habits 

  • Start building new knowledge 

  • Engage with others with a more exploratory mindset 

  • Engage in curiosity brainstorming, reverse mentoring, curiosity show-and-tell and other team-based curiosity practices

Curiosity in Action

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Deep Work Habits

Developing Focus in a Distracted World

To produce at your peak level, you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction.

Cal Newport

Deep Work Habits

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions 

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


Employees often bounce between their inboxes, online meetings, work tasks, Slack and other group notifications and social media. This is not only harmful to their brains and productivity, but it is no way to excel in today’s information economy. It is also common to succumb to the illusion of busyness = productivity, and employees do not realise that most of their daily work activities do not contribute to meaningful and productive work.

To be exceptional at work, employees must leave shallow and mediocre work behind and adopt an entirely different strategy. “Deep work” enters the scene. Deep work is any professional activity performed in a state of complete, distraction-free concentration that pushes one’s cognitive abilities. These efforts create new value and improve skills. Deep work is becoming increasingly rare and, as such, becoming more valuable in the economy.

This highly practical Deep Work Habits session helps employees integrate deep work tools into their lives so they can execute at a higher level and discover the rewards of regularly losing themselves in meaningful work.

  • Common productivity roadblocks 

  • Four deep work strategies: the monastery approach, feeling the rhythm, inviting the muse, the grand gesture 

  • Rituals for deep work: space, boundaries, sustainability 

  • The four disciplines of execution: ambitious outcomes, indicators of progress, keeping a scoreboard, regular reflection  

  • Techniques to increase focus capacity

  • Dealing with distractions 

  • Building physical and mental energy for focus: optimising evenings and weekends

  • Understand how multitasking and shallow work is killing productivity 

  • Define their wildly important goals 

  • Use routines to ritualise deep work

  • Focus on one task at a time without interruption 

  • Give their body what it needs for increased mental energy 

  • Practice systematic idleness

  • Use shutdown routines to recharge and aid insight and make downtime a priority

  • Use a process-centric approach to email 

  • Practice methodical scheduling

Deep Work Habits

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Soaring With a Growth Mindset

Pursuing Continuous Learning

Because some people see a wall, and assume that’s the end of their journey. Others see it, and decide that it’s just the beginning.

Angeline Trevena

Soaring With a Growth Mindset

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions 

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


Mindset is everything. If this statement seems too strong, consider that employees bring their basic assumptions to every decision, action, conversation, and challenge they face. If left unexamined, their mindsets may unnecessarily restrict them.

A growth mindset is an indispensable asset at any workplace, driving personal and professional development and resilience. This mindset, coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, revolves around the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. Employees who believe their talents can be developed, e.g. through hard work, good strategies, and input from others, have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset – those who believe their talents are innate gifts.

Employees with a growth mindset worry less about looking smart and put more energy into exploring the unknown. They see challenges as opportunities and seek them out to fuel their creativity and problem-solving. They pursue continuous improvement by taking risks and pushing their boundaries. They become more receptive to feedback, viewing it as constructive guidance rather than criticism. A growth mindset also encourages a passion for learning, prompting employees to acquire new skills and knowledge to stay adaptable in a rapidly evolving workplace.

Embracing a growth mindset unlocks numerous benefits for both employees and their companies.

The Soaring With a Growth Mindset session focuses on helping employees switch from a fixed to a growth mindset and unlock their courage to embrace challenges fearlessly.

  • What having a growth mindset really means

  • Identifying common challenges and barriers to developing a growth mindset

  • Cultivating self-awareness: techniques for recognising and challenging fixed mindset tendencies within oneself

  • Embracing discomfort and change 

  • The art of falling forward: overcoming fear of failure, reframing setbacks, dealing with criticism

  • Cultivating a sense of curiosity and openness 

  • Principles and practices of lifelong learning

  • Recognise the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset and understand the benefits of adopting a growth-oriented outlook

  • Assess their current mindset 

  • Identify personal fixed mindset tendencies

  • Embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for learning and development

  • Seek and accept constructive feedback as a means to enhance personal growth 

  • Set ambitious yet achievable goals aligned with a growth mindset

  • Cultivate a sense of practical curiosity 

  • Harness the power of positive affirmations and visualisation to reinforce their growth mindset

Soaring With a Growth Mindset

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