Social Wellbeing

The Social Wellbeing sessions teach skills to... up authentically in collaborations.
...nourish relationships that matter.
...handle conflict gracefully. up authentically in collaborations. ...nourish relationships that matter. ...handle conflict gracefully.

An Introduction to Authentic Relating

Nourishing Social Relationships

Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know the other.

David Spangler

An Introduction to Authentic Relating

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Managers, Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour sessions

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


In times of stress and uncertainty, the social circuits of the brain – responsible for emotional intelligence, empathy, cooperation, conflict resolution and more – start shutting down. When this happens, employees unwittingly start manoeuvring their relationships with co-workers, clients, family and friends from a more simplistic part of the brain: the survival brain. Consequently, they start addressing relationships through a filter of fear, assumptions and judgement, competition, a me-first attitude, and a win-lose mindset.

When the survival brain reigns, emotional bonds are severed, and trust levels drop. This is especially detrimental in a remote work environment, where organically mending relationships is more challenging.

The An Introduction to Authentic Relating session equips employees with practical tools to engage in clear, direct, honest, and respectful communication and cultivate psychologically safe and empathetic relationships with their co-workers, clients, family, and friends.

  • Relationship poisons and the enemies of the social brain: The S.C.A.R.F. model

  • Defining authentic and relating

  • The Welcome Everything practice + Power tool: Permission to vent

  • The Assume Nothing practice + Power tool: Is that true for you?

  • The Reveal Your Experience practice + Power tool: May I reveal something to you?

  • The Own Your Experience practice + Power tool: Acknowledge your impact

  • Avoid specific behaviours (e.g. challenging others’ status, certainty, autonomy etc.) that negatively impact social relationships 

  • Understand how emotions are linked to their physical wellbeing and the quality of their relationships
  • Embrace both positive and negative experiences in relationships 

  • Better flow through difficult emotions during interactions  

  • Better manage their assumptions and expectations of others 

  • Better express emotions, wants and needs and boundaries in relationships 

  • Take responsibility for how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours impact others  

  • Express dignity and humility during conflict and difficult times

An Introduction to Authentic Relating

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Building Social Chemistry

The Power of Social Networks at Work & Beyond

The strength and quality of your social connections profoundly affect your experience of the world, your emotions, and your personal and professional success.

Marissa King

Building Social Chemistry

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


The types of social networks employees form and how they look after them profoundly impact their personal lives and determine their professional lives’ arc and success. Suppose they want to create wellbeing and bring about change and innovation on an individual and team level. In that case, they need to understand how these networks work and how they can help themselves and others by accessing different network structures. 

The first challenge to making the most of their social networks is that employees are often reluctant to examine their networks and networking style in a practical sense. Relationships are the things we often hold the most dear, and being intentional and purposeful about them can feel off-putting. 

The second challenge is that employees’ social environment have transformed since COVID-19 and the introduction of remote and hybrid practices. Most employees’ wider social networks have been shrinking for the past few years as they have devoted considerably more attention to their inner circles. Spending time with family and friends is highly adaptive. At the same time, losing contact with extended social circles at work can damage creativity, divergent thinking, and collaboration, hinder career progress and even undermine mental health and resilience.

The Building Social Chemistry session introduces three different networking preferences and gives employees helpful tips on sustaining and enhancing their social bonds.

  • What are social networks, and why do we need them?

  • Determinants of your unique networking preference

  • The strengths and limitations of the three main networking types: The Expansionist, The Broker, The Convener

  • What can we learn from each networking type?

  • What makes networks thrive and fall apart?

  • The difference between men’s and women’s networks

  • How to maintain social networks in the hybrid setting

  • Understand that it is not the size but the structure, strength and quality of their networks that determines success

  • Draw on the strength of their preferred networking style and address its limitations in a practical sense

  • Tap into other networking styles for achieving desired outcomes (caring, deep relationships, accessing novel information, resource sharing, recombining knowledge, getting introduced to new people and opportunities etc.)

  • Practice acting without agenda, reciprocity, generosity, curiosity, and other relationship-building tools to retain and build relationships in the hybrid workplace

Building Social Chemistry

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Compassionate Communication

Strategies to Increase Trust, Sustain Cooperation & Ease Conflict

…any strategy that can teach a person to speak with clarity, brevity, calmness, kindness, and sincerity will increase interpersonal stability in the workplace and at home.

Andrew Newberg

Compassionate Communication

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Managers, Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour, 3-hour (half-day), 1-day sessions

Place of delivery:

online, on-site

Interaction level: 


Even though we come to this world with the gift of language, we are astonishingly unskilled in communicating with others. We pretend to listen while already constructing answers in our minds, talk more than we need to, and choose our words without conscious thought. When stress levels rise, we fail to consider how the tone and rhythm of our voice, facial expressions, and body gestures affect those we seek to build and sustain long-lasting relationships with.  

Our most common, ingrained, unconscious communication practices prevent us from building empathy and developing fun, productive collaborations. 

Employees can learn to speak with clarity, brevity and kindness to reach “neural resonance”. Neural resonance occurs when the brains of conversation partners start to align, leading to a mutual state of attunement and trust. From this state, people can accomplish remarkable things together.

The Compassionate Communication session introduces strategies based on the latest language, communication and mindfulness research. These strategies can help employees cope with interpersonal conflict, discuss complex, challenging topics and give constructive feedback.

  • A brief introduction to brain and communication research

  • How neural resonance creates conversation magic

  • Factors undermining effective social interactions

  • Six preparatory techniques to create conversational presence and establish a positive, safe conversational space with colleagues, clients, family and friends

  • Six conversation techniques to turn every conversation (even difficult ones) into a mutually rewarding experience

  • Understand the benefits of creating neural resonance

  • Monitor their unhelpful communication patterns

  • Attend to both the dialogue and the shared space during conversations

  • Arrive more prepared to the conversational space by relaxing, staying present and cultivating inner silence

  • Establish a positive conversational presence through increasing positivity, speaking from their deepest values rather than defence, and accessing pleasant memories

  • Inspire trust through specific facial expressions and gestures

  • Increase receptiveness in others by speaking briefly, slowly, and warmly

  • Create better rapport by listening deeply and expressing appreciation

Compassionate Communication

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Conscious Parenting

In Peace, Crisis & Beyond

Children cannot be well if parents are not well.

Laura Kalmes

Conscious Parenting

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Managers, Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online, on-site

Interaction level: 


During the lockdowns, many employees struggled with running a claustrophobic household, navigating personal relationships, keeping the kids on task with online learning, and providing inspiration and entertainment. While many parents did their very best, even otherwise well-adapted and resilient children started acting out and became anxious, irritable, aggressive or withdrawn; emotional and behavioural problems were prevalent.  

While the external world is slightly more settled for now, we are heading towards a more volatile, uncertain, and ambiguous era. Burn-out rates are at an all-time high, and many feel overwhelmed. Challenges start when being overwhelmed starts seeping into employees’ parenting styles. 

Conscious parenting is not a list of to-dos or rules to follow to exhaust parents even further. It is a way of showing up. It is about relating to children from a calmer, centred state and staying present in the moment in any situation that arises. 

The Conscious Parenting session aims to help employees better understand, connect to, calm and motivate their children in this fast-paced, complex world.

  • What is conscious parenting and the holographic family principle?

  • The child of your dreams vs your real child. Whom are you parenting?

  • What your children truly want from you

  • Childhood conditioning, and how your specific behaviours impact your children’s brain and future wellbeing

  • The four clues of anxiety, helping children cope with anxiety

  • How to use crisis, stress and difficult life periods to bond with children

  • Parental embodiment: modelling desirable behaviours

  • Parental self-care

  • Understand how their personal challenges could manifest as behavioural problems in their children

  • Better allow their children’s natural inclinations to emerge rather than placing expectations on them

  • Communicate the three most essential messages their children want to hear

  • Re-adjust their daily behaviours to better serve their children’s current and future wellbeing

  • Recognise the manifestations of anxiety in their children

  • Help children co-regulate, self-regulate and re-source themselves

  • Practice compassion, control, boundaries and minimalism to better bond with children

  • Praise children in a more empowering way

  • Influence their children through the way they speak and carry themselves 

This session is recommended for all parents, but especially for those with children under the age of 14.

Conscious Parenting

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Investing Into the Emotional Bank Account

(Re)Building Trust

Social connection is such a basic feature of human experience that when we are deprived of it, we suffer.

Leonard Mlodinow

Emotional Bank Account

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


Remote and hybrid work are slowly but steadily weakening the social bonds and emotional connections team members had forged previously. This could lead to a myriad of challenges, both on personal and business levels.

Many employees are unaware that their work efficiency is heavily influenced by the level of trust they share with their colleagues. In high-trust environments, team members are quicker in making decisions, coming up with solutions, resolving conflict and more readily cooperate. Trust accelerates performance.

When employees consciously and intentionally build trust and emotional resonance with each other, their work flows better and faster, and it feels more rewarding. 

The Investing Into the Emotional Bank Account session focuses on teaching employees simple, practical, feel-good tools to create trust and increase efficiency on an ongoing, daily basis.

  • Setting the scene: our weakening social bonds, communication ≠ connection, trust and psychological safety

  • The emotional bank account: diminishing and building relational reserves

  • Building social capital: five baseline mindsets, five ways of making tangible deposits, speaking the three languages of appreciation

  • Creating emotional resonance: sharing vs numbing emotions, five ways of meeting people emotionally (extended version)

  • Advanced relating tools: the Acknowledge your Impact practice, the Check-in Practice (extended version)

  • Understand why conscious trust building is essential in the future of work

  • Recognise how they harm relationships even with seemingly insignificant actions

  • View their daily interactions through the mindsets of intentionality, presence without projection, and curiosity, among other mindsets

  • Make tangible investments into each other’s emotional bank accounts by attending to the little things, clarifying expectations and other practices

  • Speak the three languages of appreciation, and understand which language to use with whom

  • Appreciate why numbing emotions at work is often a losing game (extended version)

  • Meet others emotionally through active listening, engaging in inquiry and other practices (extended version)

  • Transform disconnection into a deeper connection

  • Bring more presence and kindness into their online and in-person interactions

Emotional Bank Account

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Working With Our Differences

Resolving the Introvert - Extrovert Divide

It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences.

Audre Lorde

Working With Our Differences

Webinar details

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:


Interaction level: 


Humans have different tastes, ideals, beliefs and hopes, traits, strengths and weaknesses, and we experience the world in 7.9 billion distinctive ways. We are also strikingly dissimilar in how we think, feel and prefer to express ourselves.

When employees’ differences are not adequately understood, appreciated, reconciled and consciously enhanced, they can find themselves at odds with each. Then, cooperation, creativity and productivity suffer, and team members may feel unacknowledged, judged or let down in their professional relationships.

A popular subject in both organisational and personality psychology is the introversion-extroversion divide. Introverts and extroverts have different personality traits and social, communication, and decision-making styles and behave differently in the workplace. Despite their differences, collaboration can flourish when these two types become aware of each other’s daily needs and working and relational preferences.

The Working With Our Differences session helps employees understand how introverts and extroverts can support and bring out the best in each other in person and online.

  • About the introvert-extrovert spectrum

  • Brain and nervous system differences between the two types

  • The five-step model to achieve extraordinary results together

  • The Each Can’t Offer Everything practice

  • The Accept the Martian practice

  • The Embrace the Battle practice

  • The Bring Out Your Opposite’s Best practice

  • The Abolish the Aversion practice

  • Introverts and extroverts at the hybrid workplace

  • Appreciate that introversion and extroversion are not fixed, and a third type of behavioural preference also exists

  • Understand how introverts and extroverts differ in how they spend time with others, and process and share information

  • Work with the strengths and limitations of both types

  • Build empathy, and stay focused on results together

  • Better manage crises together, and understand how conflict can bring better solutions

  • Take on suitable roles and tasks at work, and champion each other

  • Better learn from their “opposites”

  • Apply hybrid work-specific tips to support each other

Emotional Bank Account

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