Wellbeing Coaching for Individuals

The Wellbeing Coaching sessions ignite growth by focusing on...
...your breath, physical heart, brain, imagination, emotional landscape, coherence and resilience.
...your body, (un)conscious movement and posture patterns, presence, impact, mental, emotional and physical tension.
...your current negative or lacking health habits and future health-conscious behaviours.

HeartMath® Coaching

Building Personal Resilience

If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.

Gail Sheehy



Available sessions:

for Individual Clients, Corporate Employees, Corporate Leaders, Corporate Teams (up to 12 participants)

Place of delivery:

online (individuals), on-site (teams)

Available formats:

8 x 1-hour (individuals), 3 x 3-hour (half-day, teams), 1,5-day (teams), 2-day (teams) sessions

HeartMath® Coaching can help if stress has affected your health, the quality, clarity, and enjoyment of your work, motivation, sleep, relationships, or attitude at any point in your life.

Since 1997, the HeartMath® system has been integrated into several programs at Stanford University, including the Stanford Executive Program.


Three things that make HeartMath® Coaching effective

  • Learn skills and techniques to address stress in the moment

  • Quickly reset yourself after stressful situations 

  • Decrease your stress levels, worry and fatigue 

  • Increase your energy levels and vitality to meet the challenges of everyday life

  • Feel more connected and in tune with yourself and others

  • Enhance your ability to focus and process information 

  • Become happier and healthier

  • Chronic stress; lack of motivation, low energy, fatigue

  • Lack of regenerative sleep 

  • Ongoing negative inner dialogues and attitudes

  • Recurring negative emotions, e.g., anxiety, worry, anger, judgement, impatience, overwhelm, self-doubt

  • Fear of failure, lack of confidence

  • Unfulfilling relationships, loneliness, work and/or family conflict 

  • Success without feeling fulfilled, not finding meaning in life 

  • Underperformance at work

  • Learn about the four domains of resilience and their effect on your energy levels

  • Identify your stress triggers, hidden sources of stress and default stress responses 

  • Map your most common emotions, and learn how they contribute to the functioning of your nervous and hormonal systems

  • Understand what coherence is and how it relates to your resilience 

  • Learn how your heart communicates with your brain, the rest of your body and even the environment

  • Establish your baseline coherence level

  • Learn five HeartMath® techniques to build coherence and intelligently regulate your energy 

  • Learn about practical intuition and how to access it to make better decisions 

  • Learn two HeartMath® techniques to better connect with others

  • Practice building a coherent field environment around yourself (sounds special, right?) 

  • Create an action plan for stopping your daily energy leaks 

  • Create an action plan for building your resilience capacity 

  • Use innovative technology to measure the real-time, physiological impact of the techniques you learn

  • Have plenty of fun (important!)

The Coaching Package includes

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Embodiment Coaching

Coaching Through the Body

It is through the alignment of the body that I discover the alignment of my mind, self, & intelligence.

BKS Iyengar



Available sessions:

for Individual Clients, Corporate Employees, Corporate Leaders

Place of delivery:

online, onsite

Available formats:

3 x 1-hour, 3 x 1,5-hour sessions

Embodiment Coaching moves the centre of learning and insight from your head into your body, giving you access to all aspects of your intelligence— mental, emotional, and somatic (body). It can help you connect with your body more consciously and intentionally, leading to greater authenticity, resilience and overall wellbeing.

The practices of Embodied Coaching come from body-based practices such as martial arts, yoga and mindfulness, theatre and improvisation, somatic psychotherapy, nature connection, dance and a myriad of other bodywork practices.


Three things that make Embodiment Coaching effective:

  • Move beyond verbal coaching and tap into the intelligence of your body to overcome your challenges

  • Explore movement practices as a means of self-discovery, self-expression and personal development 

  • Improve your leadership presence 

  • Release tension and stress from your body 

  • Understand what your acute/chronic pain is trying to tell you 

  • Understand and respond to your body’s needs 

  • Understand how other people experience you

  • Boundaries, people pleasing, power dynamics 

  • Relationships, communication

  • Sexuality, intimacy 

  • Money issues 

  • Presence, leadership presence, confidence, impact 

  • Feeling vulnerable, unsafe, not good enough

  • Procrastination, lack of action

  • Low energy, low moods, anger

  • Rest and body listening 

  • Developing new qualities (e.g., patience, authority, generosity etc.)

  • Draw on the resources and patterns of your body to solve the specific challenge you would like to address

  • Explore your bodily states and movement patterns that impact your actions, emotions, thinking and energetic states

  • Practice techniques to release physical and emotional tension stored in your body

  • Discover ways to reconnect with your authentic self and express it through your physical presence

  • Engage in movement exercises to explore new ways of moving and being in your body

  • Learn to use your breath and movement to manage your emotions, reduce stress, and increase your overall wellbeing

  • Integrate embodiment practices into your daily routine to create meaningful personal rituals

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Wellbeing Coaching

A Healthier, Happier You

Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit — the realisation that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of wellbeing.

Greg Anderson



Available sessions:

for Individual Clients, Corporate Employees, Corporate Leaders

Place of delivery:


Available formats:

1-hour, 1,5-hour, 2-hour sessions

Wellbeing Coaching is a practical and goal-oriented partnership. Through tailored strategies and accountability, we focus on your holistic wellness and improving your quality of life.


Three things that make Wellbeing Coaching effective:

  • Change your negative wellbeing habits 

  • Pick up new wellbeing behaviours

  • Understand how you can feel more energetic 

  • Build physical, mental and emotional resilience 

  • Have better balance between your personal and professional life

  • Chronic stress, fatigue, burn-out

  • Feeling unmotivated

  • Poor self-care, inability to relax and/or switch off after work 

  • Poor wellbeing during/after life-transitions (relocation, parenthood, divorce, retirement etc.)  

  • Lack of healthy eating and exercise habits

  • Lack of regenerative sleep 

  • Lack of concentration, low productivity, procrastination 

  • Lack of personal and professional boundaries

  • Look at how you are doing physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially

  • Identify your current challenges, strengths, and areas you want to improve 

  • Decide on meaningful goals that cover various aspects of your wellbeing

  • Find out what is hindering your progress toward optimal wellbeing

  • Reflect on your thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and patterns to increase self-understanding

  • Co-create actionable steps and strategies to address your specific challenge(s)

  • Develop self-efficacy as you witness your ability to make positive changes

  • Learn strategies to sustain the positive changes you have made

  • Benefit from a supportive and non-judgmental partnership that nurtures accountability and motivation

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