The Wellbeing Collective

The Wellbeing Collective is an international group of wellbeing experts and enthusiasts with solid knowledge, diverse experience and an extra dash of flair and wisdom. They not only talk the talk but also walk the walk of empowerment, creativity and wellbeing. The Collective brings immersive wellbeing experiences to employees, managers, teams and leaders.

The members of the Wellbeing Collective deliver highly engaging experiential sessions where employees, teams, and leaders learn through active participation. Unlike traditional lecture-style formats, their sessions draw participants into various wellbeing-related experiences, fostering embodied learning and supporting employees’ mental, emotional, physical, and social wellbeing.

The sessions of the Wellbeing Collective are unique, and they will:

During my own wellbeing journey in the past 20 years, I had the pleasure of learning with and learning from the members of the Wellbeing Collective. I am confident their sessions will be as illuminating and beneficial to your employees as they were to me.

Read more about the members of the Collective and their offerings.


Members of the Collective

Kaori Urquijo
Wellbeing & Mindfulness Trainer

Kaori is a mindfulness trainer from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Centre, with a background in biomedical science and cognitive psychology.

Keith McGuinnes
Relational Intelligence Facilitator and Coach

Keith is a human connection enthusiast and a natural leader. He holds an Executive MBA and spent a decade in the corporate software industry. 

Krisztian Kormany
SOMA Breath Master

Krisztian is a certified SOMA Breath Master Instructor, with over a decade of experience in breathwork, biohacking, and nervous system optimisation.

Roger Linger
Human Movement Scientist, Embodiment and HeartMath® Trainer & Coach

Roger has studied human movement from the diverse perspectives of biomechanics, neuroscience, mathematics and behavioural sciences.

Kaori Urquijo

Wellbeing & Mindfulness Trainer

 “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

Søren Aabye Kierkegaard

Sessions by Kaori :

About Kaori

Kaori is a certified mindfulness meditation trainer from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Centre, with over a decade of experience. Leveraging her background in biomedical science and cognitive psychology, she is dedicated to a holistic approach to wellness. She specialises in guiding individuals towards healthier relationships with themselves and others through interactive guided meditations. Additionally, she offers corporate workshops designed to illuminate how mindfulness practice can foster a positive work culture, address conflicts, and prevent burnout.

Originally from Japan and educated in the USA and the Netherlands (and now based in beautiful Melbourne), she is excited to blend the ancient teachings of Eastern mindfulness with contemporary scientific insights. Kaori looks forward to supporting your organisation’s journey towards a mindful and effective workplace.


Introduction to Mindfulness

Cultivating Presence & Focused Awareness

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Victor E. Frankl

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:


Place of delivery:

online, or in person in Melbourne, Australia

Language of instruction:

English, Japanese

Description of the webinar:

This introductory Mindfulness Workshop explores the basics of mindfulness and its practical applications in daily life as well as in work settings. This workshop is designed for beginners and will cover essential techniques, such as mindful breathing, body awareness, and present-moment focus. Through didactic talk and guided meditation, employees will learn how to maintain focused awareness, cultivate a sense of ease and clarity, and enrich their day-to-day experience.

  • What is mindfulness
  • Key aspects of awareness
  • The brain’s default modes
  • Benefits of mindfulness meditation
  • Guided meditation of the breath, body, and surroundings
  • Live Q&A
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Reduce reactivity
  • Engage proactively
  • Improve immune response
  • Improve focus and productivity



Navigating Challenging Emotions

“Many people want to get rid of their painful feelings, but not of the beliefs and viewpoints that are the very root of their feelings.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees

Available formats:


Place of delivery:

online, or in person in Melbourne, Australia

Language of instruction:

English, Japanese

Description of the webinar:

Let your employees discover the transformative power of the RAIN method in this specialised workshop. RAIN, an acronym for Recognise, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture, is a proven technique for addressing difficult emotions and fostering emotional resilience. In this workshop, employees will learn how to effectively apply RAIN to process and gain a deeper understanding of their emotions and cultivate self-compassion. Through interactive discussions and guided practices, they will learn practical skills to manage stress and enhance their emotional wellbeing.

  • Our natural coping strategies 
  • What is RAIN, and examples
  • How to apply the RAIN technique 
  • Developing self-compassion 
  • Guided RAIN meditation
  • Live Q&A
  • Enhance their capacity for emotional awareness and regulation 
  • Cultivate emotional resilience
  • Improve workplace relationships
  • Reduce acute and chronic stress


Are you interested in Kaori's sessions?

Keith McGuinnes

Relational Intelligence Facilitator and Coach

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change. Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”

Brené Brown

Sessions by Keith :

About Keith

Keith is a human connection enthusiast and a natural leader. He holds an Executive MBA and spent a decade in the corporate software industry—eventually committing himself to the teachings and practices of the Eastern wisdom traditions of Zen and Yoga. He is now fully engaged in the Authentic Relating movement, recognising its transformational power for individuals and organisations. Keith has worked with corporate clients and teams, developed and delivered leadership development programs, and supported incarcerated individuals in the US prison system.

His unique leadership journey through technology, business, communication, embodiment, and mindfulness has made Keith an authority on balancing the modern lifestyle of career, relationships, and community while remaining centred and present in the heart and grounded in day-to-day aliveness and shared reality. One of Keith’s core values is serving others on their paths toward integration and wholeness. He guides others through group facilitation, one-on-one coaching, conflict transformation, and mindfulness practices.


Transforming Workplace Relationships

Authentic Relating

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do, and that starts with feeling valued and supported in the workplace.”

Steve Jobs

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees, for Managers, for Teams, for Leadership Teams

Available formats:

 1-hour, 1.5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online, or in person in Boulder, CO; can travel for multi-day workshops

Language of instruction:


Description of the webinar:

Managers and employees with strong, empowering, and trustworthy relationships—both at work and home—will be fully engaged, bringing their best selves to the table. They’ll go the extra mile to help the company succeed and support their coworkers’ growth.

In this session, participants will learn practical strategies and tools to strengthen their relationships in the workplace. They will learn to foster trust, communicate authentically, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and understood. By applying these techniques, your employees will be better equipped to navigate challenges, resolve conflicts, and build a culture of collaboration and mutual support.

In this session, participants will learn about the basics of Authentic Relating and how its foundational pillars will improve the workplace environment, enhance workplace dynamics, and translate into more fulfilling personal relationships, leading to greater overall well-being and productivity.

  • What is Authentic Relating, and why is it essential in the workplace?
  • Embrace everything practice
  • Assume nothing practice
  • Embodied presence practice
  • Reveal yourself practice
  • Be self-responsible practice
  • Respect self & other practice
  • Speed up connection and synergy on new teams
  • Foster more effective feedback sessions
  • Resolve relational tensions in established teams
  • Improve the effectiveness of one-on-one meetings
  • Increase trust between employees and within teams


Authentic Feedback

Building a Connected Culture

 “Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.”

 Frank A. Clark

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Managers, for Team Leaders

Available formats:

 1-hour, 1.5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online, or in person in Boulder, CO; can travel for multi-day workshops

Language of instruction:


Description of the webinar:

In this session, participants will discover the art of delivering feedback that resonates, empowers, and drives positive change.

Whether in performance reviews or one-on-one meetings, authentic feedback is crucial for fostering growth and development. Participants will learn and explore strategies to provide constructive, actionable, and empathetic feedback that motivates their team members and direct reports to excel. They will also learn to create a feedback culture where open communication is valued and employees feel heard and supported. 

By the end of this session, participants will be equipped with the tools to transform their feedback process into a powerful driver of individual and team success.

  • Better understanding others’ perspectives
  • Providing more constructive feedback
  • Highly effective one-on-one meetings
  • Promoting a receptive attitude towards feedback


Maximise these crucial interactions to deepen team relationships, build a connected culture, boost engagement and retention, and drive better results.

  • Master techniques to clearly grasp others’ viewpoints
  • Offer more effective communication and create stronger connections
  • Deliver and receive feedback more effectively
  • Conduct impactful one-on-one meetings
  • Foster a psychologically safe environment where open,  honest communication is encouraged and valued
  • Lead with confidence and empathy


Elevating Team Meetings

A Skills Workshop

 “The art of communication is the language of leadership.”

James Humes

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Managers, for Team Leaders

Available formats:

 1-hour, 1.5-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online, or in person in Boulder, CO; can travel for multi-day workshops

Language of instruction:


Description of the webinar:

Effective meetings are the cornerstone of a productive team. In this session, participants will explore the essential skills needed to facilitate team meetings that are not only engaging but also efficient and impactful. They’ll learn techniques to plan and structure meetings, encourage participation, and keep discussions focused and productive.

Employees will learn strategies for managing different personalities, fostering creativity, and ensuring that every voice is heard. By applying these skills, participants will lead meetings that drive results, build team cohesion, and leave team members feeling energised and aligned with the team’s goals.

In this session, participants will explore the foundational elements that make meetings genuinely effective. We’ll dive into the following key areas:


  • Awareness of group dynamics (e.g. identifying unspoken cues) 
  • Slowness and stillness (the power of pacing, creating space for reflection, etc.)
  • Empathetic presence
  • Seven essential facilitation skills 
  • Effectively observe and respond to the energy and interactions within the group 
  • Use strategic pauses and moments of stillness to deepen discussions and enhance decision-making
  • Utilise techniques for acknowledging contributions, reflecting on discussions, and communicating impact to improve meeting effectiveness 
  • Encourage curiosity, ask meaningful questions, and leverage the group’s collective wisdom to achieve actionable outcomes
  • Build stronger connections within the team


Are you interested in Keith's sessions?

Krisztian Kormany

SOMA Breath Master Instructor

”Breathe consciously, live easy.”

Krisztian Kormany

Sessions by Krisztian :

About Krisztian

Krisztian’s professional journey began with earning Master’s degrees in agricultural engineering and economics. However, it was only after he left his original profession that he discovered his true calling. He is now a certified Master Instructor from the international SOMA Breath school. Krisztian combines SOMA Breath techniques with elements of Kundalini yoga and tantra, including breathing and movement exercises.

Krisztian’s professional journey includes several years at an international start-up company, where he focused on pulse wave research. His research delved into the effects of breathing, cold therapy, and exercise on the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. These research experiences were instrumental in the development of his signature breathing and movement protocols (BodyHack Breathing), which are designed to manage acute and chronic stress, diminish the effects of physical, mental and emotional wear and tear on our bodies and minds, and increase energy levels. His approach is not only fun but also highly effective at improving overall wellbeing. Krisztian facilitates wellbeing retreats around Europe and founded the fitness & health platform BodyHack.


Relaxation and Deep Rest

A Calming Breathing Journey

“Calm the breath, and the mind will follow.”

Krisztian Kormany

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees, for Managers, for Teams, for Leadership Teams, for HR Professionals

Available formats:

1-hour, 1.5-hour, 2-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online, or in-person in Hungary

Language of instruction:

English, Hungarian

Description of the webinar:

This session is designed to support the health and functioning of your employees’ parasympathetic nervous system, a key player in stress management. Responsible for the body’s relaxation response, it also regulates digestion, heart rate, and breathing, among other functions. By strengthening and learning to consciously tap into this system, employees can better soothe themselves and restore balance after stressful events, thereby enhancing their overall wellbeing.

During the session, participants will be immersed in a blend of calming breathing techniques and specifically curated background music that promotes brain relaxation and supports the creation of alpha, theta, and delta brain waves. These brainwaves induce feelings of calm, boost creativity, help participants absorb new information, enable the body and mind to rejuvenate, and promote immune system functioning.

  • Introduction to the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Calming breathing techniques to activate relaxation
  • Music and breathing for deep rest
  • Guided meditation for stress relief
  • Techniques to enhance sleep quality
  • Q&A session for personalised guidance
  • Utilise simple techniques for stress relief 
  • Faster restore their inner calm after demanding physical, mental and emotional situations 
  • Deepen their relaxation and enjoy better quality sleep 
  • More efficiently regenerate their internal resources (energy, focus, etc.)  
  • Enjoy better overall wellbeing


Energy & Focus

An Invigorating Breathing Journey

“Breathe for energy, thrive in action.”

Krisztian Kormany

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees, for Managers, for Teams, for Leadership Teams, for HR Professionals

Available formats:

1-hour, 1.5-hour, 2-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online, or in-person in Hungary

Language of instruction:

English, Hungarian

Description of the webinar:

This session is designed to support the health and functioning of your employees’ sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for priming the body for action and supports and regulates countless other functions. When this system functions optimally, it provides energy for action and performance, while employees feel alert but calm. When the sympathetic nervous system becomes excessively activated, however, employees may experience prolonged states of stress and mental and emotional issues such as digestive problems, disturbed sleep, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.


During the session, participants will be immersed in a blend of energising breathing techniques and specifically curated background music that promotes heightened mental alertness, provides instant energy, and increases productivity while protecting the body and mind against the adverse effects of stress.

  • Introduction to the sympathetic nervous system
  • Energising breathing techniques to boost mental alertness
  • Music to stimulate focus and productivity
  • Guided breathing for an immediate energy boost
  • Techniques for managing stress in high-performance environments
  • Q&A session for personalised guidance
  • Practice simple techniques with quick effects
  • Enjoy immediate increased energy
  • Improve their focus and concentration
  • Better manage stress in demanding situations


Are you interested in Krisztian's sessions?

Roger Linger

Human Movement Scientist, Embodiment and HeartMath® Trainer & Coach

”The ultimate measure of a human is not where (s)he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where (s)he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Sessions by Roger :

About Roger

Roger is a movement scientist who has studied human movement from the diverse perspectives of biomechanics, neuroscience, mathematics and behavioural sciences. His application of this knowledge spans roles as a university researcher, lecturer, policy advisor, and movement expert. 

Initially, physical resilience took centre stage in Roger’s research and teaching. No wonder, as in he used to represent the Netherlands at European Championships and World Leagues as a beach volleyball and footvolley player. Still, he quickly realised a more balanced, holistic approach was more conducive to a fulfilling and healthy life. He soon expanded his focus and actively integrated mental and emotional resilience into his work by becoming a HeartMath Certified Coach & Trainer and Embodiment Coach.

Roger helps organisations, teams and individuals to fulfil their professional and personal goals through a series of body-mind techniques and applications. He empowers teams to better regulate their emotions to become more creative and innovative, reduce complexity in their work, experience less stress and enjoy more overall resilience, all of which contribute to sustainable performance.    


Driven by his passion for wellbeing, Roger hosts small groups interested in nature bathing in the North of the Netherlands, within a stone’s throw of the Wadden Sea. His wellbeing workshops, held in his unique school-building-turned-flamboyant-home, are a testament to his commitment to improving longevity and quality of life, inspiring others to embrace a healthier, more conscious lifestyle. 


Build Personal Resilience & Reduce Stress

Unlocking Heart Power & Intelligence

“Picture heart intelligence as the flow of awareness, understanding and intuitive guidance we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. This intelligence steps into our life’s interactions in practical, approachable ways which inform us of a straighter path to our personal goals and ambitions”

Doc Childre

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees, for Teams

Available formats:

 1-hour, 1.5-hour, 2-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online and in-person in the Netherlands

Language of instruction:

English, Dutch

Description of the webinar:

Work in the public and private sectors is becoming more challenging, resembling professional sports in its intensity. To meet these challenges, employees need to strengthen their mental and emotional endurance. This HeartMath® Webinar is tailor-made for employees and teams striving to be the best versions of themselves, even in the face of challenging circumstances such as constant organisational changes, increasing rules and regulations, or a high workload. It’s also a perfect fit for teams struggling with communication and collaboration.


This webinar is not just about theory but about practical solutions. It’s designed to enhance stress management and resilience building. Employees will gain valuable insights into the consequences of stress and, more importantly, learn actionable HeartMath® techniques and tools to better manage their emotional and mental states in their day-to-day work.

  • An introduction to the science of our autonomic nervous system, heart and brain and why the quality of their connection matters 
  • Heart rate variability and how to deliberately influence our mental and emotional states
  • Getting to know and embrace all our emotions
  • The Heart-Focused Breathing, Notice & Ease and Quick Coherence ® techniques
  • Strategies and exercises to help integrate the techniques into daily routines
  • Understand the effects of stress on their behaviour
  • Regulate their emotions better, especially under stressful situations 
  • Experience more mental and emotional flexibility 
  • Experience more energy and vitality 
  • Enjoy better concentration and focus
  • Better sustain their performance level 
  • Connect to the best version of themselves 


More Than a Brain Taxi

Unlocking The Body’s Wisdom & Intelligence

“Few of us have lost our minds, but most of us have long ago lost our bodies”

Ken Wilber

Webinar details:

Available versions:

for Employees, for Teams

Available formats:

 1-hour, 1.5-hour, 2-hour sessions

Place of delivery:

online and in-person in the Netherlands

Language of instruction:

English, Dutch

Description of the webinar:

In many developed societies around the world, we hold our thoughts and cognitions in high regard while somewhat neglecting our emotions and bodily sensations, especially in corporate contexts. Few businesses understand that when employees experience more connection to their bodies consciously and intentionally, they enjoy greater authenticity, resilience and overall wellbeing. The more connected they become, the more effective they will be in getting their job done – whatever job they do.  


By participating in this session, employees will learn science-based theories about the body. This knowledge will enable them to unlock and use the body’s wisdom and intelligence, leading to a more resilient and less stressful work experience. The webinar will cover simple yet powerful and practical techniques and tools, motivating employees to become more aware of their bodily sensations. This will help them experience more wholeness and liveliness and tap into more intuitive and collaborative solutions when working with others. This webinar is especially suited for teams struggling with communication, creativity, and collaboration or breaking through old patterns and behaviour.

  • An introduction to the physiology of your body
  • Centring techniques to feel calm and collected under all circumstances
  • The four elements (earth, water, fire and air) and our behavioural patterns 
  • Accessing dormant qualities and talents through the body
  • Strategies and exercises help to integrate the techniques into daily routines
  • Understand how they can use their body (movement and posture) in a way that benefits them and others around them
  • Centre themselves and create more calmness and awareness during stressful moments
  • Experience more mental and emotional flexibility 
  • Experience more energy and vitality 
  • Enjoy better concentration and focus
  • Apply embodiment tools and techniques
  • Develop a more authentic connection with themselves and others 


Are you interested in Roger's sessions?

Contact Us With Your Inquiry

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